Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 196)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#219 achernya wontfix Debian and Fedora disagree on hostname, zephyr logging is inconsistent

Fedora configures the hostname of machine to be the same as the fully-qualified domain name, whereas Debian will configure the hostname to be the short name.

This has no operational effect on the servers, but is very apparent with the zephyr logger being installed on the Debian hosts, because the format of the messages is different (instance is different). We should decide if we care, and if so, which format is preferable.

#226 geofft wontfix /usr/kerberos/bin is gone in F15

Has anyone hard-coded this? Do we care enough to make a compatibility symlink to /usr/bin?

#231 ezyang wontfix Have Trac automatically search for similar tickets
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