Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 196)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#65 geofft fixed Support Django

Django is popular and cool. kcarnold has expressed interest in helping make a Django installer, perhaps akin to nelhage's Jifty installer. Since Django does not have external dependencies outside stock Python, this should be easy.

#66 andersk fixed Upgrade to Fedora 8 (or 9)

We’re getting too far behind the Fedora release cycle. We should upgrade to Fedora 8, or 9 when it comes out later this month, but we should try not to wait any longer than that.

#68 andersk worksforme Trying to make a cert-protected WordPress results in a redirection loop

If you create a WordPress? (with or without price’s r725), and add a .htaccess file like

AuthType SSLCert
Require afsgroup system:scripts-moira
ErrorDocument 401 /__scripts/needcerts

you get an infinite redirection loop (http -> https:444 -> https -> https:444).

Examples: without r725, with r725.

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