Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 196)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#46 broder fixed One last zephyr test?

Quick comment to check the current status...Quick comment to check the current status...Quick comment to check the current status...Quick comment to check the current status...Quick comment to check the current status...Quick comment to check the current status...Quick comment to check the current status...Quick comment to check the current status...Quick comment to check the current status...

#51 andersk fixed old-faithful loses backend connection sql on reboot

After a reboot, old-faithful cannot connect to sql. This is fixed by a manual ifdown eth1; ifup eth1.

#54 price fixed Trac autoinstaller

Plenty of people use Trac -- and we can hardly deny their desire to do so!

It'd be neat to have an autoinstaller for it. There are some subtleties, as Quentin observes every time someone else sets up a Trac instance in his presence...

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.